HTML An HTML Document HEAD Document Meta-Information BASE Base URL of the document ISINDEX Searchable document LINK Relationship to other resources META Meta Information SCRIPT Program scripts STYLE Document stylesheet TITLE Document title BODY Document Body ADDRESS Address information BLOCKQUOTE Block quotation CENTER Centered Text DIV Block division of a document H1-H6 Headings (1-6) HR Horizontal Rule (divider) MULTICOL (Prop) Multicolumn text P Paragraphs PRE Preformatted Text FORM User input form FIELDSET (P) Group related input elements KEYGEN Generated encrypted keys LABEL Label for input elements INPUT Input fields SELECT Selectable fields OPTION Option in selectable field TEXTAREA Text input region DL Description/Glossary list DT Term DD Description OL Ordered List LI List Item UL Unordered List LI List Item MENU Menu List (obsolete?) LI List Item DIR Directory List (obsolete?) LI List Item TABLE Table CAPTION Table Caption COL (P) Column properities specifier COLGROUP (P) Column group specification THEAD (P) Table Head grouping TBODY (P) Table Body grouping TFOOT (P) Table footer grouping TR Table Row TD Table Data Cell TH Table Header Cell
Semantic Phrase Markup CITE Citation CODE Typed Computer Code DFN Defintion EM Emphasized Text KBD Keyboard input Q Inline quotation SAMP Sample Text STRIKE Struck-out Text STRONG Strong emphasis VAR A variable
Physical Phrase Markup B Bold BDO Bidirectional override BIG Bigger Text BLINK (Prop) Blinking Text FONT Font size/face/color I Italics MARQUEE (Prop) Scrolling Marquee text NOBR (Prop) No line breaks S Strike through SMALL Smaller text SPAN (P) Stylesheet-specified styling SUB Subscript SUP Superscript TT Fixed-width font U Underline
Character Level Elements BR (Prop) Line Break WBR (Prop) Optional Word Break SPACER (Prop) Horizontal or vertical space
Inclusion Elements APPLET Embedded Applet PARAM Parameter for Applet IMG Inline image IFRAME (Prop) Insert floating document frame EMBED (Prop) Embed arbitrary data NOEMBED (Prop) HTML Alternative to EMBED NOSCRIPT (Prop) HTML alternative to SCRIPT OBJECT (P) Embed data and handler PARAM (P) Parameter for object/handler
Hypertext Relationships A Hypertext Anchor
Meta-Information Elements BASEFONT Base font for Document BGSOUND (Prop) Background audio/sound MAP Client-side imagemap AREA Imagemap data
Netscape Frame Documents FRAMESET (Prop) Declare framed regions FRAME Specify frame contents NOFRAMES Markeup for non-frame browsersHTML Usage: ...
... [
] Can Contain: characters, character highlighting, A, APPLET, BR, IMG, BASEFONT, MAP, SCRIPT, INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA Can Be Inside: ADDRESS, BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, CENTER, DD, DIV, FORM, LI, TD, TH Attributes: ALIGN Warning - useWarning -
maybe be interpreted as extra vertical spaces PRE Usage:...Can Contain: characters, B, CITE, CODE, DFN, EM, I, KBD, S, SAMP, STRIKE, STRONG, TT, U, VAR, A, APPLET, BR, MAP, SCRIPT, INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA Can Be Inside: BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, CENTER, DD, DIV, FORM, LI, TD, TH Attributes: WIDTH Most browsers will ignore the WIDTH attribute Note: can not use elements tha define paragraph formatting within the PRE element (no P, ADDRESS, Hn, etc) FORM Usage: Can Contain: characters, character highlighting, A, APPLET, BR, IMG, BASEFONT, MAP, SCRIPT, [ISINDEX], INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA, DIR, DL, MENU, OL, UL, P, HR, Hn, ADDRES, BLOCKQUOTE, CENTER, DIV, PRE, TABLE Can Be Inside: BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, CENTER, DD, DIV, LI, TD, TH Attributes: ACTION, ENCTYPE, METHOD, TARGET ACTION="url" Specifies the URL to which the FORM content is to be sent METHOD=GET|POST Specifies the METHOD for sending the data (DEFAULT is GET) ENCTYPE="MIME_type" -- default is application/x-www-form-urlencoded TARGET="string" Specifies the name of the frame or window to which the data returned by the submitted for should be sent INPUT Usage: Can Contain: empty Can Be Inside: ADDRESS, BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, CENTER, DD, DIV, DT, FORM, LI, PRE, TD, TH, P, Hn, A, CAPTION, character highlighting Attributes: ACCEPT, ALIGN, CHECKED, MAXLENGTH, NAME, SIZE, SRC, TYPE, VALUE, HSPACE, VSPACE ACCEPT="string" - specifies a comma-seperated list of MIME-types that are acceptable for input by TYPE=file (not widely implemented) NAME="string" - required, names the input form TYPE=checkbox|file|hidden|image|password|radio|reset|submit|text| (button - Netscape && Microsoft) button - input button - button data is NEVER sent when a FORM Is submitted checkbox - Boolean value - note: name/value pair is only sent if checkbox is on. file - eh... hidden - input element is not displayed to the user image - sends an pair of name/value pairs - example form_name.x = xval, form_name.y=yval password - INPUT element is a single-line text field, but the text typed is obcured by asterisks radio - INPUT element is a radio button - note that every INPTU element of TYPE radio must have a value reset - Resets the fields on the form - can have a value that acts as a button label - NOT sent to server on a reset submit - INPUT element is a submit button text - INPUT element is a single-line text entry field ALIGN=bottom|left|middle|right|top CHECKED= only for TYPE=checkbox|radio selects that button MAXLENGTH=number only for TYPE=text|password - specifies the maximum length (duh) SIZE=number only for TYPE=text|password - specifies the actual size of the displayed text input field SRC=url only for TYPE=image VALUE=string HSPACE=pixels - specifies the space to be left to the left and right of the image in pixels (NETSCAPE) VSPACE=pixels - specifies the space to be left to the top and bottom of the image in pixels (NETSCAPE) SELECT Usage: Can Contain: OPTION Can Be Inside: ADDRESS, BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, CENTER, DD, DIV, DT, FORM, LI, PRE, TD, TH, P, Hn, A, CAPTION, character hightlighting Attributes: MULTIPLE, NAME, SIZE MULTIPLE= (optional) Allows the use select multiple items the from the select list NAME="string" (mandatory) Specifies the variable name associated with the SELECT element SIZE="number" (optional) Specifices the number of items to be displayed (default 1). OPTION Usage: Can Contain: characters Can be Inside: SELECT Attributes: VALUE, SELECTED VALUE=Specifies the value assigned to the option SELECTED=Makes the option as selected (by default) TEXTAREA Usage: Can Contain: characters Can be Inside: ADDRESS, BLOCKQUOTE, BODY, CENTER, DD, DIV, DT, FORM, LI, PRE, TD, TH, P, Hn, A, CAPTION, character highlighting Attributes: COLS, NAME, ROWS, WRAP COLS=(mandatory) Specifies the display width NAME=(mandatory) Specifies the name associated with the TEXTAREA ROWS=(mandatory) Specifies the display height WRAP=(Netscape only) [off|virtual|physical] Specifies the handling of word-wrapping. off = no word-wrapping virtual = causes new-lines to be inserted for display purposes only physical = causes new-lines to be inserted into actual text